7 Days A Week
7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Monday - Saturday 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
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Boasting 10 security cameras and LED lights, you will feel safe and your belongings secured at our fully fenced and gated facility. For an added level of security, stop by our lock vending machine located in our rental center to pick up a lock for your unit. People love moving in at our kiosk. See the benefits of a contactless rental in our blog post.
The Lawrence Boulevard location offers extra tall 18 foot unit doors, making moving in and out a breeze. With more than 40 coverage parking spots and large drive aisles, this location is a great option for anyone looking to store an RV, Boat, or other large vehicle.
This SpareBox facility is found on of Lawrence Blvd and Bell St, right across the street from Goodwill seen from the highway. The entrance for this facility can be found behind El Giro restaurant.
Looking for a relaxing activity to close out your day of storing? Check out the Amarillo Botanical Gardens to view 4 acres of beautiful flowers and foliage.